
Amendments to the Constitution: US - Purpose or Effect
Amendment 15th - Date 2/3/1870 - Extended voting rights to African Americans
Amendment 16th - Date 2/3/1913 - Authorized Congress to impose income tax
Amendment 17th - Date 4/8/1913 - Changed how US senators are elected (now elected by the people)
Amendment 18th - Date 1/16/1919 - Prohibition of alcohol
Amendment 19th - Date 8/18/1920 - Extended voting rights to women
Amendment 26th - Date 7/1/1971 - Extended voting rights to persons 18 years old and older
Amendment 27th - Date 5/7/1992 - Prohibited Congress from giving themselves immediate pay raises
Amorites were the Kenites
The eruption of Mount Saint Helens, a volcano in the Cascade Mountains south of Seattle, Wash., caused extensive damage and about 60 deaths in 1980.

U.S.S.R. launched Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite, 10/04/1957.
U.S. President Harry S. Truman made the first presidential telecast address from the White House, 10/05/1947
U.S. President Kennedy In 1962-1963 ruled in the Supreme Court  that official prayers and Bible reading in public schools were unconstitutional.
U.S. President Kennedy In 1962, The silent spring, Rachel Carson's book on the wasteful and destructive use of pesticides, helped launch the United States environmental protection movement.
USA Independence from Great Britain - With the British colonization of Georgia, the 13 colonies  that would become the United States of America were established.
USA The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

USA Motto: In God We Trust

USA The bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782
Collapse of U.S. stock market (Black Tuesday), 10/29/1929.
United Nations formally established, 10/24/1945
Margaret Thatcher, British prime minister, born 10/13/1925.
First "Model T" Ford put on the market, 10/01/1908
Free rural mail delivery began in the United States, 10/01/1896.
Statue of Liberty dedicated, 10/28/1886.
The House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson, but the Senate did not remove him from office, 1868
The United States bought Alaska from Russia, 1867
Nevada became the 36th U.S. state,10/31/ 1864.
Thomas Edison first demonstrated his electric light, 10/19/1879
Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone, 1876
First transcontinental telegram sent, 10/24/1861
William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, born 10/14/1644.

Christopher Columbus landed in America, 10/12/1492.
Midian = A descendant of Abraham, by Keturah.
Clinton passed Trade Agreement NAFTA, Since NAFTA came into effect, trade and investment levels in North America have increased, bringing strong economic growth, job creation, and better prices and selection in consumer goods. North American businesses, consumers, families, workers, and farmers have all benefited.
Have prices come down or up? Increase
Has jobs increase or decrease? Decrease

