The Stars and The End Times

The Stars and The End Times
Hebrew 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
No more reference now to His first coming in humiliation. No more coming "forth" to suffer and die, a sacrifice for sins; the reference now is only to His second coming in glory.
His coming "unto" this earth is not to suffer for sin, but it will be a coming in power to judge the earth in righteousness, and to subdue all enemies under His feet.
Chapter 1: The Sign TAURUS (The Bull) - Messiah, the coming Judge of all the earth

The Sign Taurus (The Bull) Messiah, the coming Judge of all the earth
The picture is that of a Bull rushing forward with mighty energy and fierce wrath, his horns set so as to push his enemies, and pierce them through and destroy them.
New Zodiac 13

It is a prophecy of Christ, the coming Judge, and Ruler, and "Lord of all the earth."

The Egyptian Zodiac of Denderah already, 4,000 years ago, had forgotten the truth to which the prophecy had referred, and called him Isis, who saves or delivers, and Apis,, the head or chief. The Bull is clearly represented, and in all the zodiacs which have come down to us is always in the act of pushing, or rushing.
The name of the sign in Chaldee is Tor, Hence, Arabic, Al Thaur; Greek, Tauros; Latin, Taurus, etc.
The more common Hebrew name was Shur, which is from a root which means both coming and ruling. There are several Hebrew words for bulls and oxen, etc.
But the common poetical term for all is Reem, conveying the idea of loftiness, exaltation, power, and pre-eminence.
We find the root in other kindred languages (Etruscan, Sanscrit, etc.), and it can be traced in the name of Abram, which means pre-eminent or high father; Ramah, high place, etc.

The stars in Taurus present a brilliant sight. There are at least 141 stars, besides two important groups of stars, which both form integral parts of the sign.
The brightest star, a (in the bull's eye), has a Chaldee name-Al Debaran, and means the leader or governor.
The star b (at the tip of the left horn) has an Arabic name-El Nath, meaning wounded or slain.
Another prophetic intimation that this coming Lord should be first slain as a sacrifice.

Then there is the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades .
Pleiades = Hebrew word = kimah, "a cluster" (Job 9:9; 38:31; Amos 5:8, "seven stars;"., "Pleiades"), a name given to the cluster of stars seen in the shoulder of the constellation Taurus.
The Syriac name for the Pleiades is Succoth, which means booths.
It consists of a number of stars (in the neck of Taurus) which appear to be near together. The brightest of them, marked h in all the maps, has come down to us with an Arabic name Al Cyone, which means the centre, and has given the idea to some astronomers that it is the centre of the whole universe. The Syriac name for the Pleiades is Succoth, which means booths.

Other stars are named Palilicium (Hebrew), belonging to the judge; Wasat (Arabic), centre or foundation; Al Thuraiya (Arabic), the abundance; Vergiliae (Latin), the centre (Arabic, vertex) turned on, rolled round.

Every thing points to the important truth, and all turns on the fact that the Lord is COMING TO RULE! This is the central truth of all prophecy. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." All hope for Creation, all hope for the world, all hope for Israel, all hope for the Church, turns on this, that "Jesus is coming again," and that when He comes His saints, "the daughters of the King" (like the Pleiades and Hyades), will be with Him.
At a very early period these signs were appropriated to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and borne upon their "standards." This may be traced in the Blessing of Jacob (Gen 49), and in the Blessing of Moses (Deut 33). Taurus was assigned to Joseph, or rather to his two tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, like the two powerful horns.
"The firstling of his bulllock (his firstling bullock) majesty is his, And his horns are the horns of the wild-ox (Reem). With them he shall PUSH (gore) the peoples, all of them, even the ends of the earth.

And they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, And they are the thousands of Manasseh." Deut 33:17
Deuteronomy 33:7 And this is the blessing of Judah: and he said, Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah, and bring him unto his people: let his hands be sufficient for him; and be thou an help to him from his enemies.
This is the united testimony of the two Revelations. It is pictured in the heavens, and it is written in the Book. It is the prophecy of a coming Judge, and of a coming judgment.

It is, however, no mere Bull that is coming, It is a man, a glorious man, even "the Son of Man." This is the first development, shown in the first of the three constellations belonging to the sign.
1. ORION (The Coming Prince)

The name of the fourth star, d (one of the three in the belt), carries us back to the old, old story, that this glorious One was once humbled; that His heel was once bruised. Its name is Al Nitak, the wounded One. Similarly the star k (in the right leg) is called Saiph, bruised, which is the very word used in Gen 3:15, thus connecting Orion with the primeval prophecy. Like Ophiuchus, he has one leg bruised; while, with the other, he is crushing the enemy under foot.

This is betokened by other stars named Al Rai, who bruises, who breaks (as in Cepheus); and Thabit (Hebrew), treading on.

Other (Arabic) names relate to His Person: Al Giauza, the branch; Al Gebor, the mighty; Al Mirzam, the ruler; Al Nagjed, the prince; Niphla (Chaldee), the mighty; Nux (Hebrew), the strong. Some names relate to His coming, as Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, as above; Heka (Chaldee), coming; and Meissa (Hebrew), coming forth.
Exactly 2520 years from the exile of Benjamin, Iceland became an independent nation.
  The first tribe to be conquered by the Assyrians was Manasseh, in 745 B.C. Exactly 2520 years later America became a nation on July 4, 1776.

(Leviticus. 26: 28-46) God warned Israel that if they persisted in continually breaking His Laws, not only would curses come upon them.

He would punish them for seven times, (a time being 360 years, seven times would be 2520 years) and would banish them from the land of Palestine and scatter them among the heathens (like lost sheep)

• Study the book: Abrahamic Covenant, (A study outline of the identity of God's people) By E. Raymond Capt - page 25
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